All Acas events on Conflict management

Click on an event for more information and to book places.  If you cannot find a suitable event return to training home page.

31 July 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Mock mediation

This interactive and informative digital event will give you the opportunity, within a safe environment, to experience how mediation works and the positive outcomes an effective mediation process can achieve.  

Digital via Zoom
22 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Resolving workplace conflict: A masterclass

Workplace disputes can happen in any employment relationship. It can impact employee morale, motivation and productivity and lead to an increase in absence and staff turnover. 

This conference brings together Acas experts with leading guest speakers to examine the psychology and drivers of conflict, conflict resolution coaching, ongoing developments in mediation, and the impact of resolving workplace conflict.

You will learn about mediation and conflict resolution coaching and how it works to resolve conflict quickly and effectively with tangible business benefits.

Delivered digitally via zoom
20 November 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Dispute resolution: A masterclass

From performance to absence, behaviours and grievances, policy changes and contracts, workplace disputes come in all shapes and sizes. 

This event will cover the options available to employers and explore practical steps organisations can put in place to help prevent workplace disputes from happening in the first place.

Delivered digitally via zoom