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09:30 - 12:30

£125.00 per person
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* Max of 4 delegates per organisation. Please call Acas on 0300 123 1150 or email if numbers exceed this or for more details about the training session.

Menopause at work: a masterclass


In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach the menopause is 51. Recent data from the Office of National Statistics states that there are currently around 4.5 million women aged 50–64 in employment. Around one in 100 women experience the menopause before 40 years of age.

Menopause is a health issue which can impact many aspects of a woman’s life and needs to be considered carefully by employers. 

Whilst the symptoms may vary, it can have a significant impact on working lives and can also contribute to women deciding to leave their jobs early, or not seeking promotion.

Despite menopause affecting around 51% of the population, there is still a lack of awareness and understanding. 

Join Acas and guest speakers as they reflect on the law, good practice advice and personal experiences. They will examine how businesses can better support menopausal staff, adapt workplaces, and promote a more positive environment of openness and support.

Business Need

The number of women who will experience menopause whilst in employment is increasing.

CIPD research showed that women over the age of 50 were the fastest growing group in the workforce. Women are also staying in work for longer.

The effects of the menopause can lead to staff losing confidence in their ability to do their job, it can impact mental health, increase absence and presenteeism and lower levels of engagement and productivity. It can also contribute to women deciding to leave work altogether. 

Not addressing the challenges faced by employees experiencing menopause and providing the necessary support and potential reasonable adjustments can exacerbate these problems. 

An increasing number of women are citing the menopause as being a direct factor in unfair dismissal, disability, and sex discrimination claims at employment tribunal. 

Organisations where employees are supported and can talk openly about the menopause, are more likely to attract and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Focusing on the experience of living and working with the menopause, this event will share practical ways of engaging with your workforce and good practice in developing support mechanisms that will benefit both individuals and organisational productivity.

Suitable For

Whether you’re from a public, private or third sector organisation, multinational corporation or SME, this special conference offers practical advice and invaluable employment relations insights.

Essential for anyone who is responsible for; managing people, delivering high performance results, working in HR, finance, employment relations or acts in a representative capacity. This includes:

HR and Finance directors, managers, supervisors, team leaders, HR professionals, business owners, Trade Union representatives, employee representatives and individuals who wish to enhance their CPD.


Speakers include: 

Louise Ramsey, Senior Business Adviser, Acas
Key legal considerations and best practice.

Clair Crockett, GP, Newson Health 
The biological perspective; ages, stages, symptoms, and solutions.

Sharon MacArthur, Miss Menopause
Maximising staff and organisational engagement.

Deborah Garlick, Henpicked
Tangible action planning towards being a ‘menopause friendly’ organisation.

Panel Q&A - Your opportunity to ask questions.