All Acas events on Menopause and the workplace

Click on an event for more information and to book places. 

7 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Nearly Full
Menopause and the workplace

Understanding the legal responsibilities of employers and exploring ways to support employees and raise awareness of menopause in the workplace

According to NHS Employers, 3.5 million of Britain’s female employees are aged 50 or over and are likely to be approaching or experiencing the menopause. A recent survey conducted by BUPA and the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) found that three in five menopausal women were negatively affected at work.

The menopause is therefore a key workplace issue that all managers need to have a greater understanding of. Not providing employees with the necessary support and reasonable adjustments at work can have serious implications.

Organisations where employees can talk openly about the menopause and feel supported are more likely to attract and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce. They can also benefit from reduced absence levels and improved employee retention. 

This event will cover the symptoms and misconceptions of the menopause, as well as employer responsibilities and the support mechanisms available for employees.
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
30 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Menopause and the workplace

Understanding the legal responsibilities of employers and exploring ways to support employees and raise awareness of menopause in the workplace

According to NHS Employers, 3.5 million of Britain’s female employees are aged 50 or over and are likely to be approaching or experiencing the menopause. A recent survey conducted by BUPA and the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) found that three in five menopausal women were negatively affected at work.

The menopause is therefore a key workplace issue that all managers need to have a greater understanding of. Not providing employees with the necessary support and reasonable adjustments at work can have serious implications.

Organisations where employees can talk openly about the menopause and feel supported are more likely to attract and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce. They can also benefit from reduced absence levels and improved employee retention. 

This event will cover the symptoms and misconceptions of the menopause, as well as employer responsibilities and the support mechanisms available for employees.
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
13 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Menopause at work: A masterclass

In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach the menopause is 51. Recent data from the Office of National Statistics states that there are currently around 4.5 million women aged 50–64 in employment. Around one in 100 women experience the menopause before 40 years of age.

Menopause is a health issue which can impact many aspects of a woman’s life and needs to be considered carefully by employers. 

Whilst the symptoms may vary, it can have a significant impact on working lives and can also contribute to women deciding to leave their jobs early, or not seeking promotion.

Despite menopause affecting around 51% of the population, there is still a lack of awareness and understanding. 

Join Acas and guest speakers as they reflect on the law, good practice advice and personal experiences. They will examine how businesses can better support menopausal staff, adapt workplaces, and promote a more positive environment of openness and support.

Digital via Zoom
30 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Nearly Full
Menopause and the workplace

Understanding the legal responsibilities of employers and exploring ways to support employees and raise awareness of menopause in the workplace

According to NHS Employers, 3.5 million of Britain’s female employees are aged 50 or over and are likely to be approaching or experiencing the menopause. A recent survey conducted by BUPA and the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) found that three in five menopausal women were negatively affected at work.

The menopause is therefore a key workplace issue that all managers need to have a greater understanding of. Not providing employees with the necessary support and reasonable adjustments at work can have serious implications.

Organisations where employees can talk openly about the menopause and feel supported are more likely to attract and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce. They can also benefit from reduced absence levels and improved employee retention. 

This event will cover the symptoms and misconceptions of the menopause, as well as employer responsibilities and the support mechanisms available for employees.
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom