All Acas events on Conferences

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20 February 2025
09:30 - 12:30
Improving recruitment and retention of talent: a masterclass

Labour and skills shortages are affecting many industries in the UK. In November 2022, the ONS found that 13.3% of businesses surveyed reported experiencing a shortage of workers, whilst the Open University Business Barometer indicated that, in 2024, 62% of businesses faced a skills shortage.

How can you ensure your business attracts and retains the skills you need?

Join Acas and expert guest speakers as we explore key issues relating to recruitment, labour market shortages and the impact on productivity. We will provide expert insight, practical guidance and signpost to further support.

Delivered digitally via zoom
18 March 2025
13:30 - 16:30
Employment law update: a masterclass

Join Acas and employment law experts, Morgan LaRoche Solicitors, for this employment law event, where we will provide you with a solid grounding on recent changes to employment and case law, as well as insights into upcoming changes to legislation that will enable your business to stay informed, legally compliant and well prepared.

Digital via Zoom
20 March 2025
09:30 - 12:30
Neurodiversity in the workplace: a masterclass

Join us at this important event, where Acas and key speakers will be exploring neurodiversity and considering what employers can do to improve inclusivity, support and psychological safety for employees.

We will be discussing how employers can embrace the different ways in which people work and learn, respond to new situations and overcome obstacles.

We will also examine how employers can improve communication and engagement with neurodiverse employees and make reasonable adjustments to improve productivity.

Delivered digitally via zoom
15 April 2025
09:30 - 12:30
Managing long-term sickness absence: a masterclass

The sickness absence rate for those with long-term health conditions is at its highest point since 2008.

Join Acas and health and wellbeing experts from Working to Well-being, CIPD and Morgan La Roche Solicitors, as we examine the impact that long-term sickness absence has in the workplace and the benefits that effective workplace processes, support systems and strategies can bring. We will also be highlighting the legal considerations, including discrimination and sick pay.

Delivered digitally via zoom