All Acas events

Click on an event for more information and to book places. 

29 July 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Making reasonable adjustments - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How reasonable adjustments can increase productivity and foster a diverse and inclusive environment

Early intervention and putting the right adjustments in place can increase productivity and mitigate the risks of discrimination complaints. Understanding reasonable adjustments is crucial for fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. 

This event will explore the benefits of reasonable adjustments and the positive impact they can have on an employees wellbeing and productivity. It will provide you with an understanding of the law, a range of scenarios where reasonable adjustments may apply and  practical guidance for managing adjustments.

Digital via Zoom
30 July 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Nearly Full
Managing discipline and grievance (face-to-face)

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.
This event is nearly full

30 July 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

30 July 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Recruitment and retention essentials

The key principles of fair and effective recruitment and retention

Many businesses are currently facing recruitment challenges caused by labour market shortages and high staff turnover. 
This digital event will cover the key principles of recruitment and retention. It will help you understand the relevant legislation and good practice, to be in the best position to attract the right people for your business and keep them. 
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
30 July 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
30 July 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Nearly Full
Contracts and written statements

Employment law and good practice advice for contracts and written statements

As an employer it’s crucial to get the details of contracts and written statements correct. Failure to do so can result in disputes and potential employment tribunal claims further down the line.

This event will guide you through the whole process, from the formation of a contract to its termination. You will learn about different types of contracts and how to legally vary a contract. You will also gain an understanding of who should receive written statements and what they need to include. 
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
30 July 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Managing the 'unmanageable' - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to effectively identify and address challenging workplace behaviours

This interactive event will provide you with the essential insights, tools and skills needed to confidently identify and address challenging, hostile or confrontational behaviour.  
It will help you understand the impact extreme behaviours can have on your business and detail the most effective strategies you can adopt to manage and help change extreme behaviour. 
Note: This session is designed to help delegates manage extreme behaviour, rather than addressing general workplace performance management. 
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
31 July 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Conducting investigations - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
31 July 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Deductions from pay

Key legislation and good practice guidance for wages and corresponding pay statements

Employers are responsible for making sure workers are paid correctly in accordance with the law.

Making an unlawful deduction could result in a breach of employment law, national minimum wage legislation and potentially result in an Employment Tribunal claim.

This event will give you a valuable understanding of lawful and unlawful deductions, the common pitfalls and how to respond to pay queries to minimise the risk of pay disputes.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
31 July 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Managing performance and staff appraisals

Performance management can help businesses achieve success by getting the best from their employees. This can be particularly important during difficult economic times. 

This 3-hour digital event will enable you to understand and effectively utilise performance management processes in the workplace.

This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
31 July 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Mock mediation

This interactive and informative digital event will give you the opportunity, within a safe environment, to experience how mediation works and the positive outcomes an effective mediation process can achieve.  

Digital via Zoom
1 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Conducting investigations

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
1 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
How to conduct a fair hearing

Preparing and conducting a fair hearing in line with legislation and the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance procedures

A formal procedure will involve a hearing where an investigation has shown that the employee has a case to answer.

All workplace hearings must be conducted fairly in accordance with employment legislation and best practice. Failure to do so may result in a breakdown in workplace relationships and potentially employment tribunal claims.

This event covers legal and Acas best practice principles that apply to all types of hearings and explores the key differences in preparation and decision making for hearings relating to conduct, performance, or absence.

You will gain valuable understanding of the Acas Code of Practice, how to prepare for and run an effective hearing, how to deal with problems that might arise, dealing with appeals, and an understanding of legal requirements for notice.

We will explain the employees right to be accompanied and will also explore additional considerations when running hearings remotely.

Digital via Zoom
1 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Managing long-term sickness absence - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

Best practice for handling long-term staff absences fairly and effectively

Long-term sickness absence can be costly for any business.

It can have a significant impact on the individual as well as other employees in terms productivity, morale and employee engagement.

This event will equip you with the knowledge and skills to manage long-term absences effectively and support staff on their return to work. It will include practical advice on how to handle more complex situations and reasonable adjustments.
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
1 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Managing discipline and grievance (face-to-face)

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

1 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Behaviours at work - understanding the unacceptable

Identifying and dealing with unacceptable behaviour in the workplace

Behaviours such as bullying, harassment and aggressive attitudes can lead to increased levels of absence, staff turnover and lower staff morale which can reduce productivity.  
Attending this event will help you to identify and address bullying and harassment in the workplace and understand the appropriate course of action to take as well as fostering an inclusive culture.  It will also help you to understand the legal aspects and employer responsibilities.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
5 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Managing discipline and grievance

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
6 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Managing absence at work

Understanding the law relating to workplace absence and best practice techniques to manage absence in your workplace

In 2022 sickness absence rates in the UK rose to a record high. 
Latest figures from the Office of National Statistics reveal an estimated 185.6 million working days were lost due to sickness or injury, the equivalent to 5.7 days per year, per employee.

Developing a fair and consistent attendance policy can benefit the whole organisation. It helps employees understand what is expected of them and helps managers address underlying issues, leading to a healthier working environment, reduced absence levels and better employee retention.

This event will update you on the law and provide you with techniques to help manage absence in your workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
6 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
6 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

6 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Nearly Full
Mediation skills for managers

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
6 August 2024
09:30 - 16:30 Nearly Full
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days.
The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • Week One: 6th & 7th August 2024
  • Week Two: 13th, 14th & 15th August 2024
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
6 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Deductions from pay

Key legislation and good practice guidance for wages and corresponding pay statements

Employers are responsible for making sure workers are paid correctly in accordance with the law.

Making an unlawful deduction could result in a breach of employment law, national minimum wage legislation and potentially result in an Employment Tribunal claim.

This event will give you a valuable understanding of lawful and unlawful deductions, the common pitfalls and how to respond to pay queries to minimise the risk of pay disputes.

Digital via Zoom
6 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Management training for new managers - split day digital event

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 6th of August 2024, 13:30 - 16:30
  • Day 2 - 7th of August 2024, 13:30 - 16:30
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
7 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Conducting investigations

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
7 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

7 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
7 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Nearly Full
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.
This event is nearly full

7 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Nearly Full
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.
This event is nearly full

7 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

7 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Nearly Full
Menopause and the workplace

Understanding the legal responsibilities of employers and exploring ways to support employees and raise awareness of menopause in the workplace

According to NHS Employers, 3.5 million of Britain’s female employees are aged 50 or over and are likely to be approaching or experiencing the menopause. A recent survey conducted by BUPA and the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) found that three in five menopausal women were negatively affected at work.

The menopause is therefore a key workplace issue that all managers need to have a greater understanding of. Not providing employees with the necessary support and reasonable adjustments at work can have serious implications.

Organisations where employees can talk openly about the menopause and feel supported are more likely to attract and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce. They can also benefit from reduced absence levels and improved employee retention. 

This event will cover the symptoms and misconceptions of the menopause, as well as employer responsibilities and the support mechanisms available for employees.
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
8 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Handling an employee grievance

Learn how to deal with employee grievances in accordance with the Acas Code of Practice

It is important that all employee grievances are handled correctly. Failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

If an employer does not  comply with the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures, it could lead to an uplift of 25% in an employment tribunal award.

A well handled grievance can provide valuable insight, alerting employers to problems in the workplace and giving them the opportunity to resolve issues without further conflict escalating. 

As well as demonstrating the correct process to follow, this event will focus on emotional intelligence, relationship building, treating people fairly and establishing trust. 

The event will work through a fictional grievance, based on a real life scenario, it will show delegates how to:

  • Distinguish the facts from emotion when receiving a grievance 
  • Deal with issues with empathy, whilst staying on track to work towards resolution
  • Follow the correct steps and procedures
  • Work towards a better outcome
  • Consider the wellbeing of the employee
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
8 August 2024
10:00 - 11:00
Acas Bitesize: Working Time Regulations and employer obligations

This event can only be booked and paid for online

The Working Time Regulations are complex but having a good understanding of these can help employers better manage their staff and operations, enabling them to position themselves as an employer of choice. Failing to get things right can lead to costly employment tribunal claims.

This bitesize session will provide valuable guidance on the Working Time Regulations. We will focus on the regulations for people working two or more jobs, including employer responsibility for not exceeding time limits, how to calculate reference periods and opt outs and how to ensure your contracts cover all the key points.

Digital via Zoom
9 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing performance and staff appraisals

Performance management can help businesses achieve success by getting the best from their employees. This can be particularly important during difficult economic times. 

This 3-hour digital event will enable you to understand and effectively utilise performance management processes in the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
9 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Equality, diversity and inclusion: the essentials

This 3-hour digital event looks at the essential aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion that all organisations need to be aware of, including the legal position and best practice for promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
12 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Conducting investigations - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Digital via Zoom
12 August 2024
10:00 - 12:00
The benefits of supporting mental health and wellbeing at work

The legal, business and human case for supporting mental health and promoting positive wellbeing in the workplace

Employers have a duty of care that incudes a legal and ethical responsibility to support their employees mental health and wellbeing.

Evidence shows that employers who take positive action in relation to addressing and supporting mental heath and wellbeing at work help their employees to remain productive and stay in work.

This training provides essential insights and key techniques that can be taken back and applied in the workplace.

We will provide a clear overview of the legislation relating to mental health as well as give an insight into mental health conditions and the business and human cases for fostering a positive mental health culture at work.

This session will draw from the Acas framework for positive mental health; a holistic model which details the key responsibilities of the employer, the manager and the individual in contributing to a healthy and productive workplace.

Digital via Zoom
13 August 2024
09:30 - 11:30
Employment law update

A round-up of recent changes to employment legislation and a look ahead to future developments

Employment law can be complex, and the legal landscape is constantly evolving. 

Keeping abreast of legal requirements not only helps your business steer away from potential litigation and financial penalties, it can also help you develop strategies to improve employee engagement and increase organisational resilience.

This event will provide you with solid grounding on recent changes to employment law and provide insight into upcoming changes to legislation that will enable your business to stay informed, legally compliant and well prepared.

Digital via Zoom
13 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Managing a disciplinary procedure

A guide to process and the Acas Code of Practice for disciplinary procedures

The law requires employers to act reasonably in their discipline of employees. Incorrectly handled processes can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation, with employment tribunals able to adjust awards by up to 25% for failure to comply with the provisions of the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance.

This event will provide an overview of the Code, with a focus on discipline and the minimum requirements when handling disciplinary procedures. 

We will explain the formal processes as well as  outline options for handling issues informally. We will also explore fairness, decision making and the benefits of clear policies and good communication.

This training will provide anyone involved in people management with the skills and knowledge needed to more effectively manage discipline in the workplace.
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
13 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Managing the 'unmanageable'

How to effectively identify and address challenging workplace behaviours

This interactive event will provide you with the essential insights, tools and skills needed to confidently identify and address challenging, hostile or confrontational behaviour.  
It will help you understand the impact extreme behaviours can have on your business and detail the most effective strategies you can adopt to manage and help change extreme behaviour. 
Note: This session is designed to help delegates manage extreme behaviour, rather than addressing general workplace performance management. 
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
13 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Equality, diversity and inclusion: the essentials

This 3-hour digital event looks at the essential aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion that all organisations need to be aware of, including the legal position and best practice for promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
13 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Nearly Full
Recruitment and retention essentials

The key principles of fair and effective recruitment and retention

Many businesses are currently facing recruitment challenges caused by labour market shortages and high staff turnover. 
This digital event will cover the key principles of recruitment and retention. It will help you understand the relevant legislation and good practice, to be in the best position to attract the right people for your business and keep them. 
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
14 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
14 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for new managers

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

This full day event will be delivered via Zoom.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
14 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

14 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

14 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for developing managers

This digital event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.


This full day event will be delivered via Zoom.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
14 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Redundancy: getting it right

Understanding the legal requirements and good practice for managing redundancies

When handling redundancies, it’s important to get the basics right. This can help reduce the risk of employment tribunals and help you maintain good workplace relations and employee engagement throughout.

Our experts will detail the legal and practical aspects of managing redundancies. They will share good practice, so that you can confidently handle a redundancy situation in your workplace. 
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
14 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

14 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
14 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Nearly Full
Mental health in the workplace: skills for managers - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

Practical skills to enable managers to effectively manage mental health in the workplace

According to the Mental Health Foundation, one in six employees experience mental ill health each year. A study by Business in the Community found that only 14% of those that had experienced work-related poor mental health had spoken to their managers.

Whilst the reasons behind mental ill health are not always work related, managers need to know how to address it. They may fear saying the wrong thing or making matters worse but early intervention is key. It provides opportunity for the manager and the individual to discuss the support they might need to stay in work, benefiting the individual, the team and the organisation. 

Delegates attending this event will gain an understanding of the different mental ill health conditions and learn how to effectively engage with staff at an early stage. The event will also cover the Acas framework for positive mental health; a holistic model which describes the key responsibilities of all parties contributing to healthy and productive workplaces.
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
15 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

15 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing a disciplinary procedure

A guide to process and the Acas Code of Practice for disciplinary procedures

The law requires employers to act reasonably in their discipline of employees. Incorrectly handled processes can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation, with employment tribunals able to adjust awards by up to 25% for failure to comply with the provisions of the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance.

This event will provide an overview of the Code, with a focus on discipline and the minimum requirements when handling disciplinary procedures. 

We will explain the formal processes as well as  outline options for handling issues informally. We will also explore fairness, decision making and the benefits of clear policies and good communication.

This training will provide anyone involved in people management with the skills and knowledge needed to more effectively manage discipline in the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
15 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

15 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Contracts and written statements

Employment law and good practice advice for contracts and written statements

As an employer it’s crucial to get the details of contracts and written statements correct. Failure to do so can result in disputes and potential employment tribunal claims further down the line.

This event will guide you through the whole process, from the formation of a contract to its termination. You will learn about different types of contracts and how to legally vary a contract. You will also gain an understanding of who should receive written statements and what they need to include. 
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
15 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for new managers

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

This full day event will be delivered via Zoom.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
15 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Behaviours at work - understanding the unacceptable

Identifying and dealing with unacceptable behaviour in the workplace

Behaviours such as bullying, harassment and aggressive attitudes can lead to increased levels of absence, staff turnover and lower staff morale which can reduce productivity.  
Attending this event will help you to identify and address bullying and harassment in the workplace and understand the appropriate course of action to take as well as fostering an inclusive culture.  It will also help you to understand the legal aspects and employer responsibilities.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
16 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
How to conduct a fair hearing

Preparing and conducting a fair hearing in line with legislation, the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance procedures and good practice

A formal procedure will involve a hearing where an investigation has shown that the employee has a case to answer.

All workplace hearings must be conducted fairly in accordance with employment legislation and best practice. Failure to do so may result in a breakdown in workplace relationships and potentially employment tribunal claims.

This event covers legal and Acas best practice principles that apply to all types of hearings and explores the key differences in preparation and decision making for hearings relating to conduct, performance, or absence.

You will gain valuable understanding of the Acas Code of Practice, how to prepare for and run an effective hearing, how to deal with problems that might arise, dealing with appeals, and an understanding of legal requirements for notice.

We will explain the employees right to be accompanied and will also explore additional considerations when running hearings remotely.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
19 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Making reasonable adjustments - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How reasonable adjustments can increase productivity and foster a diverse and inclusive environment

Early intervention and putting the right adjustments in place can increase productivity and mitigate the risks of discrimination complaints. Understanding reasonable adjustments is crucial for fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. 

This event will explore the benefits of reasonable adjustments and the positive impact they can have on an employees wellbeing and productivity. It will provide you with an understanding of the law, a range of scenarios where reasonable adjustments may apply and  practical guidance for managing adjustments.

Digital via Zoom
19 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Management training for developing managers - split digital event

This digital event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 19th of August 2024, 13:30 - 16:30
  • Day 2 - 20th of August 2024, 13:30 - 16:30
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
20 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

20 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
20 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Nearly Full
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.
This event is nearly full

20 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Conducting investigations

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
20 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Conducting investigations - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Digital via Zoom
20 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Nearly Full
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
21 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Deductions from pay

Key legislation and good practice guidance for wages and corresponding pay statements

Employers are responsible for making sure workers are paid correctly in accordance with the law.

Making an unlawful deduction could result in a breach of employment law, national minimum wage legislation and potentially result in an Employment Tribunal claim.

This event will give you a valuable understanding of lawful and unlawful deductions, the common pitfalls and how to respond to pay queries to minimise the risk of pay disputes.
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
21 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
HR for beginners

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
21 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Mediation skills for managers - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

Digital via Zoom
21 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

21 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
21 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Changing terms and conditions of employment

The legal obligations and good practice for implementing a change to employment terms and conditions

Changing an employee’s terms and conditions may be necessary for business reasons, however doing so can present concerns for both the employee and employer. 

Poorly managed change can damage working relationships and failure to follow the correct procedures could put your business at risk of litigation. 

This event will help you understand your responsibilities as an employer when implementing changes to employment. It will outline the risks and benefits of the options available to you, allowing you to confidently make decisions and minimise any unintended consequences.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
22 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Managing discipline and grievance - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
22 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Handling an employee grievance

Learn how to deal with employee grievances in accordance with the Acas Code of Practice

It is important that all employee grievances are handled correctly. Failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

If an employer does not  comply with the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures, it could lead to an uplift of 25% in an employment tribunal award.

A well handled grievance can provide valuable insight, alerting employers to problems in the workplace and giving them the opportunity to resolve issues without further conflict escalating. 

As well as demonstrating the correct process to follow, this event will focus on emotional intelligence, relationship building, treating people fairly and establishing trust. 

The event will work through a fictional grievance, based on a real life scenario, it will show delegates how to:

  • Distinguish the facts from emotion when receiving a grievance 
  • Deal with issues with empathy, whilst staying on track to work towards resolution
  • Follow the correct steps and procedures
  • Work towards a better outcome
  • Consider the wellbeing of the employee

Digital via Zoom
22 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Resolving workplace conflict: A masterclass

Workplace disputes can happen in any employment relationship. It can impact employee morale, motivation and productivity and lead to an increase in absence and staff turnover. 

This conference brings together Acas experts with leading guest speakers to examine the psychology and drivers of conflict, conflict resolution coaching, ongoing developments in mediation, and the impact of resolving workplace conflict.

You will learn about mediation and conflict resolution coaching and how it works to resolve conflict quickly and effectively with tangible business benefits.

Delivered digitally via zoom
22 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Management training for new managers - split day digital event

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 22nd of August 2024, 13:30 - 16:30
  • Day 2 - 23rd of August 2024, 13:30 - 16:30
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
23 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing a disciplinary procedure

A guide to process and the Acas Code of Practice for disciplinary procedures

The law requires employers to act reasonably in their discipline of employees. Incorrectly handled processes can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation, with employment tribunals able to adjust awards by up to 25% for failure to comply with the provisions of the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance.

This event will provide an overview of the Code, with a focus on discipline and the minimum requirements when handling disciplinary procedures. 

We will explain the formal processes as well as  outline options for handling issues informally. We will also explore fairness, decision making and the benefits of clear policies and good communication.

This training will provide anyone involved in people management with the skills and knowledge needed to more effectively manage discipline in the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
23 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

27 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
TUPE: a practical guide to business transfers - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

A practical and in-depth look at the TUPE process

TUPE regulations determine employee rights when a business, or part of a business, is sold or changes hands. 

Understanding the regulations and associated good practice will help you better manage the process, avoid unnecessary (and sometimes costly) pitfalls and minimise potential stress and disruption.

This event will give you a clear explanation of the TUPE regulations, including employer responsibilities and employee rights. It will also provide you with practical tips on the process of conducting a business transfer, drawing upon current legislation and best practice.

NB: This course is not a substitute for those requiring in-depth legal consultation/advice.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
27 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Behaviours at work - understanding the unacceptable

Identifying and dealing with unacceptable behaviour in the workplace

Behaviours such as bullying, harassment and aggressive attitudes can lead to increased levels of absence, staff turnover and lower staff morale which can reduce productivity.  
Attending this event will help you to identify and address bullying and harassment in the workplace and understand the appropriate course of action to take as well as fostering an inclusive culture.  It will also help you to understand the legal aspects and employer responsibilities.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
27 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Deductions from pay

Key legislation and good practice guidance for wages and corresponding pay statements

Employers are responsible for making sure workers are paid correctly in accordance with the law.

Making an unlawful deduction could result in a breach of employment law, national minimum wage legislation and potentially result in an Employment Tribunal claim.

This event will give you a valuable understanding of lawful and unlawful deductions, the common pitfalls and how to respond to pay queries to minimise the risk of pay disputes.

Digital via Zoom
27 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
27 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Managing the 'unmanageable' - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to effectively identify and address challenging workplace behaviours

This interactive event will provide you with the essential insights, tools and skills needed to confidently identify and address challenging, hostile or confrontational behaviour.  
It will help you understand the impact extreme behaviours can have on your business and detail the most effective strategies you can adopt to manage and help change extreme behaviour. 
Note: This session is designed to help delegates manage extreme behaviour, rather than addressing general workplace performance management. 
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
27 August 2024
10:00 - 11:00
Acas Bitesize: Social media in the workplace

This event can only be booked and paid for online

Social media brings many advantages to the workplace; however, employment tribunals have seen an increase in cases related to the misuse of social media. As a result, employers are increasingly concerned about the potential implications for their workplace.

This one-hour session will look at the challenges and opportunities presented by social media and group chats in the workplace. It will cover both employer and employee responsibilities, key legislation, and good practice for introducing policies to manage usage.

Digital via Zoom
27 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Managing underperformance

Identifying the reasons behind underperformance and learning how to address it

Managing underperformance can be uncomfortable at times and can therefore get overlooked. However, failing to address it can have a significant negative impact on an organisation and its employees, leading to lower productivity, poor employee engagement and increased absence. 

Where an employee’s performance consistently fails to reach the required standard, managers must be prepared to address the issue in a fair and consistent way and ensure that any disciplinary action is in line with the Acas Code of Practice. 

This event will help you understand the reasons for underperformance and its effects, and provide you with the skills to effectively identify, address and develop underperforming staff.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
27 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Managing performance and staff appraisals

Performance management can help businesses achieve success by getting the best from their employees. This can be particularly important during difficult economic times. 

This 3-hour digital event will enable you to understand and effectively utilise performance management processes in the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
28 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Managing absence at work

Understanding the law relating to workplace absence and best practice techniques to manage absence in your workplace

In 2022 sickness absence rates in the UK rose to a record high. 
Latest figures from the Office of National Statistics reveal an estimated 185.6 million working days were lost due to sickness or injury, the equivalent to 5.7 days per year, per employee.

Developing a fair and consistent attendance policy can benefit the whole organisation. It helps employees understand what is expected of them and helps managers address underlying issues, leading to a healthier working environment, reduced absence levels and better employee retention.

This event will update you on the law and provide you with techniques to help manage absence in your workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
28 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

28 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Management training for developing managers - split digital event

This digital event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 28th of August 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 29th of August 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
28 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

28 August 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
29 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

29 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

29 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Equality, diversity and inclusion: the essentials

This 3-hour digital event looks at the essential aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion that all organisations need to be aware of, including the legal position and best practice for promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
29 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Redundancy: getting it right

Understanding the legal requirements and good practice for managing redundancies

When handling redundancies, it’s important to get the basics right. This can help reduce the risk of employment tribunals and help you maintain good workplace relations and employee engagement throughout.

Our experts will detail the legal and practical aspects of managing redundancies. They will share good practice, so that you can confidently handle a redundancy situation in your workplace. 
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
29 August 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for new managers

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

This full day event will be delivered via Zoom.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
30 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Menopause and the workplace

Understanding the legal responsibilities of employers and exploring ways to support employees and raise awareness of menopause in the workplace

According to NHS Employers, 3.5 million of Britain’s female employees are aged 50 or over and are likely to be approaching or experiencing the menopause. A recent survey conducted by BUPA and the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) found that three in five menopausal women were negatively affected at work.

The menopause is therefore a key workplace issue that all managers need to have a greater understanding of. Not providing employees with the necessary support and reasonable adjustments at work can have serious implications.

Organisations where employees can talk openly about the menopause and feel supported are more likely to attract and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce. They can also benefit from reduced absence levels and improved employee retention. 

This event will cover the symptoms and misconceptions of the menopause, as well as employer responsibilities and the support mechanisms available for employees.
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
30 August 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
2 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Redundancy: getting it right

Understanding the legal requirements and good practice for managing redundancies

When handling redundancies, it’s important to get the basics right. This can help reduce the risk of employment tribunals and help you maintain good workplace relations and employee engagement throughout.

Our experts will detail the legal and practical aspects of managing redundancies. They will share good practice, so that you can confidently handle a redundancy situation in your workplace. 

Digital via Zoom
2 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
How to conduct a fair hearing

Preparing and conducting a fair hearing in line with legislation and the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance procedures

A formal procedure will involve a hearing where an investigation has shown that the employee has a case to answer.

All workplace hearings must be conducted fairly in accordance with employment legislation and best practice. Failure to do so may result in a breakdown in workplace relationships and potentially employment tribunal claims.

This event covers legal and Acas best practice principles that apply to all types of hearings and explores the key differences in preparation and decision making for hearings relating to conduct, performance, or absence.

You will gain valuable understanding of the Acas Code of Practice, how to prepare for and run an effective hearing, how to deal with problems that might arise, dealing with appeals, and an understanding of legal requirements for notice.

We will explain the employees right to be accompanied and will also explore additional considerations when running hearings remotely.

Digital via Zoom
3 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance, with role play activities, on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with practical and effective techniques to confidently plan and conduct difficult conversations with staff. 

You will also have opportunity to immerse yourself, within a safe role-play environment, to gain hands on experience of how to manage discussion around a range of uncomfortable subjects, including personality clashes, discipline and dismissal.

3 September 2024
09:30 - 16:30 Full
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days.
The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • Week One: 3rd, 4th & 5th September 2024
  • Week Two: 11th & 12th September 2024
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
3 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Management training for new managers - split day digital event

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 3rd of September 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 4th of September 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
3 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Handling an employee grievance

Learn how to deal with employee grievances in accordance with the Acas Code of Practice

It is important that all employee grievances are handled correctly. Failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

If an employer does not  comply with the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures, it could lead to an uplift of 25% in an employment tribunal award.

A well handled grievance can provide valuable insight, alerting employers to problems in the workplace and giving them the opportunity to resolve issues without further conflict escalating. 

As well as demonstrating the correct process to follow, this event will focus on emotional intelligence, relationship building, treating people fairly and establishing trust. 

The event will work through a fictional grievance, based on a real life scenario, it will show delegates how to:

  • Distinguish the facts from emotion when receiving a grievance 
  • Deal with issues with empathy, whilst staying on track to work towards resolution
  • Follow the correct steps and procedures
  • Work towards a better outcome
  • Consider the wellbeing of the employee

Digital via Zoom
3 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
4 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Conducting investigations - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Digital via Zoom
4 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

4 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Contracts and written statements

Employment law and good practice advice for contracts and written statements

As an employer it’s crucial to get the details of contracts and written statements correct. Failure to do so can result in disputes and potential employment tribunal claims further down the line.

This event will guide you through the whole process, from the formation of a contract to its termination. You will learn about different types of contracts and how to legally vary a contract. You will also gain an understanding of who should receive written statements and what they need to include. 

Digital via Zoom
4 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Management training for developing managers - split digital event

This digital event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 4th of September 2024, 13:30 - 16:30
  • Day 2 - 5th of September 2024, 13:30 - 16:30
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
5 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Having difficult conversations (face-to-face)

Practical guidance, with role play activities, on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with practical and effective techniques to confidently plan and conduct difficult conversations with staff. 

You will also have opportunity to immerse yourself, within a safe role-play environment, to gain hands on experience of how to manage discussion around a range of uncomfortable subjects, including personality clashes, discipline and dismissal.

5 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

5 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

5 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Changing terms and conditions of employment

The legal obligations and good practice for implementing a change to employment terms and conditions

Changing an employee’s terms and conditions may be necessary for business reasons, however doing so can present concerns for both the employee and employer. 

Poorly managed change can damage working relationships and failure to follow the correct procedures could put your business at risk of litigation. 

This event will help you understand your responsibilities as an employer when implementing changes to employment. It will outline the risks and benefits of the options available to you, allowing you to confidently make decisions and minimise any unintended consequences.

Digital via Zoom
5 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
TUPE: a practical guide to business transfers - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

A practical and in-depth look at the TUPE process

TUPE regulations determine employee rights when a business, or part of a business, is sold or changes hands. 

Understanding the regulations and associated good practice will help you better manage the process, avoid unnecessary (and sometimes costly) pitfalls and minimise potential stress and disruption.

This event will give you a clear explanation of the TUPE regulations, including employer responsibilities and employee rights. It will also provide you with practical tips on the process of conducting a business transfer, drawing upon current legislation and best practice.

NB: This course is not a substitute for those requiring in-depth legal consultation/advice.

This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
5 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Equality, diversity and inclusion: the essentials

This 3-hour digital event looks at the essential aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion that all organisations need to be aware of, including the legal position and best practice for promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
6 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Deductions from pay

Key legislation and good practice guidance for wages and corresponding pay statements

Employers are responsible for making sure workers are paid correctly in accordance with the law.

Making an unlawful deduction could result in a breach of employment law, national minimum wage legislation and potentially result in an Employment Tribunal claim.

This event will give you a valuable understanding of lawful and unlawful deductions, the common pitfalls and how to respond to pay queries to minimise the risk of pay disputes.

Digital via Zoom
9 September 2024
09:30 - 16:30 Full
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days.
The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • Week One: 9th & 10th September 2024
  • Week Two: 16th, 17th & 18th September 2024
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
9 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Managing absence at work

Understanding the law relating to workplace absence and best practice techniques to manage absence in your workplace

In 2022 sickness absence rates in the UK rose to a record high. 
Latest figures from the Office of National Statistics reveal an estimated 185.6 million working days were lost due to sickness or injury, the equivalent to 5.7 days per year, per employee.

Developing a fair and consistent attendance policy can benefit the whole organisation. It helps employees understand what is expected of them and helps managers address underlying issues, leading to a healthier working environment, reduced absence levels and better employee retention.

This event will update you on the law and provide you with techniques to help manage absence in your workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
9 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Managing the 'unmanageable' - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to effectively identify and address challenging workplace behaviours

This interactive event will provide you with the essential insights, tools and skills needed to confidently identify and address challenging, hostile or confrontational behaviour.  
It will help you understand the impact extreme behaviours can have on your business and detail the most effective strategies you can adopt to manage and help change extreme behaviour. 
Note: This session is designed to help delegates manage extreme behaviour, rather than addressing general workplace performance management. 
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
10 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Having difficult conversations (face-to-face)

Practical guidance, with role play activities, on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with practical and effective techniques to confidently plan and conduct difficult conversations with staff. 

You will also have opportunity to immerse yourself, within a safe role-play environment, to gain hands on experience of how to manage discussion around a range of uncomfortable subjects, including personality clashes, discipline and dismissal.

10 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

10 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Management training for new managers - split day digital event

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 10th of September 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 11th of September 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
10 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
HR for beginners

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
10 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
10 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Managing discipline and grievance - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
10 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Mock disciplinary hearing

An opportunity to experience an example disciplinary hearing and learn about common pitfalls

Conducting a disciplinary hearing can be a daunting prospect.
The Acas Code of Practice sets out principles for handling disciplinary and grievance situations in the workplace. Employment tribunals are legally required to take the Acas Code of Practice into account when considering relevant cases. So understanding the principles of a discipline hearing is key.

Join us at this interactive event, where you will observe an example disciplinary hearing. You will have the opportunity to share your views on the hearing’s progress and help decide the outcome. We will also help you understand the common mistakes to avoid when conducting a hearing, as well as sharing Acas good practice.

Digital via Zoom
11 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Management training for new managers - split day digital event

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 11th of September 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 12th of September 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
11 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
11 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

11 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Management training for developing managers - split digital event

This digital event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 11th of September 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 12th of September 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
11 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing performance and staff appraisals

Performance management can help businesses achieve success by getting the best from their employees. This can be particularly important during difficult economic times. 

This 3-hour digital event will enable you to understand and effectively utilise performance management processes in the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
12 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Mediation skills for managers

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

Digital via Zoom
12 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Mediation skills for managers (face-to-face)

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

12 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Digital via Zoom
12 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
12 September 2024
10:00 - 11:00
Acas Bitesize: Bullying in the workplace

This event can only be booked and paid for online

Bullying in the workplace can have a detrimental effect on employee wellbeing, productivity, and retention.

As an employer, you have a legal duty of care to protect your employees from harm. You must do all you can to prevent bullying from happening and any complaint must be taken seriously and dealt with promptly.

This event will provide you with key information to help you recognise, prevent and address instances of bullying to avoid common pitfalls that can lead to costly tribunal claims.

Digital via Zoom
13 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Menopause at work: A masterclass

In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach the menopause is 51. Recent data from the Office of National Statistics states that there are currently around 4.5 million women aged 50–64 in employment. Around one in 100 women experience the menopause before 40 years of age.

Menopause is a health issue which can impact many aspects of a woman’s life and needs to be considered carefully by employers. 

Whilst the symptoms may vary, it can have a significant impact on working lives and can also contribute to women deciding to leave their jobs early, or not seeking promotion.

Despite menopause affecting around 51% of the population, there is still a lack of awareness and understanding. 

Join Acas and guest speakers as they reflect on the law, good practice advice and personal experiences. They will examine how businesses can better support menopausal staff, adapt workplaces, and promote a more positive environment of openness and support.

Digital via Zoom
16 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Managing a disciplinary procedure

A guide to process and the Acas Code of Practice for disciplinary procedures

The law requires employers to act reasonably in their discipline of employees. Incorrectly handled processes can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation, with employment tribunals able to adjust awards by up to 25% for failure to comply with the provisions of the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance.

This event will provide an overview of the Code, with a focus on discipline and the minimum requirements when handling disciplinary procedures. 

We will explain the formal processes as well as  outline options for handling issues informally. We will also explore fairness, decision making and the benefits of clear policies and good communication.

This training will provide anyone involved in people management with the skills and knowledge needed to more effectively manage discipline in the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
17 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Behaviours at work - understanding the unacceptable

Identifying and dealing with unacceptable behaviour in the workplace

Behaviours such as bullying, harassment and aggressive attitudes can lead to increased levels of absence, staff turnover and lower staff morale which can reduce productivity.  
Attending this event will help you to identify and address bullying and harassment in the workplace and understand the appropriate course of action to take as well as fostering an inclusive culture.  It will also help you to understand the legal aspects and employer responsibilities.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
17 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Nearly Full
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.
This event is nearly full

18 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Mediation skills for managers - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

Digital via Zoom
18 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Managing the 'unmanageable' - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to effectively identify and address challenging workplace behaviours

This interactive event will provide you with the essential insights, tools and skills needed to confidently identify and address challenging, hostile or confrontational behaviour.  
It will help you understand the impact extreme behaviours can have on your business and detail the most effective strategies you can adopt to manage and help change extreme behaviour. 
Note: This session is designed to help delegates manage extreme behaviour, rather than addressing general workplace performance management. 
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
18 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Mental health in the workplace: skills for managers - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

Practical skills to enable managers to effectively manage mental health in the workplace

According to the Mental Health Foundation, one in six employees experience mental ill health each year. A study by Business in the Community found that only 14% of those that had experienced work-related poor mental health had spoken to their managers.

Whilst the reasons behind mental ill health are not always work related, managers need to know how to address it. They may fear saying the wrong thing or making matters worse but early intervention is key. It provides opportunity for the manager and the individual to discuss the support they might need to stay in work, benefiting the individual, the team and the organisation. 

Delegates attending this event will gain an understanding of the different mental ill health conditions and learn how to effectively engage with staff at an early stage. The event will also cover the Acas framework for positive mental health; a holistic model which describes the key responsibilities of all parties contributing to healthy and productive workplaces.

Digital via Zoom
18 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

18 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing underperformance

Identifying the reasons behind underperformance and learning how to address it

Managing underperformance can be uncomfortable at times and can therefore get overlooked. However, failing to address it can have a significant negative impact on an organisation and its employees, leading to lower productivity, poor employee engagement and increased absence. 

Where an employee’s performance consistently fails to reach the required standard, managers must be prepared to address the issue in a fair and consistent way and ensure that any disciplinary action is in line with the Acas Code of Practice. 

This event will help you understand the reasons for underperformance and its effects, and provide you with the skills to effectively identify, address and develop underperforming staff.

Digital via Zoom
18 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Equality, diversity and inclusion: the essentials

This 3-hour digital event looks at the essential aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion that all organisations need to be aware of, including the legal position and best practice for promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
18 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
How to conduct a fair hearing

Preparing and conducting a fair hearing in line with legislation and the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance procedures

A formal procedure will involve a hearing where an investigation has shown that the employee has a case to answer.

All workplace hearings must be conducted fairly in accordance with employment legislation and best practice. Failure to do so may result in a breakdown in workplace relationships and potentially employment tribunal claims.

This event covers legal and Acas best practice principles that apply to all types of hearings and explores the key differences in preparation and decision making for hearings relating to conduct, performance, or absence.

You will gain valuable understanding of the Acas Code of Practice, how to prepare for and run an effective hearing, how to deal with problems that might arise, dealing with appeals, and an understanding of legal requirements for notice.

We will explain the employees right to be accompanied and will also explore additional considerations when running hearings remotely.

Digital via Zoom
18 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Management training for developing managers - split digital event

This digital event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 18th of September 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 19th of September 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
18 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Newcastle upon Tyne
18 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Having difficult conversations (face-to-face)

Practical guidance, with role play activities, on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with practical and effective techniques to confidently plan and conduct difficult conversations with staff. 

You will also have opportunity to immerse yourself, within a safe role-play environment, to gain hands on experience of how to manage discussion around a range of uncomfortable subjects, including personality clashes, discipline and dismissal.

18 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
19 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Managing long-term sickness absence - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

Best practice for handling long-term staff absences fairly and effectively

Long-term sickness absence can be costly for any business.

It can have a significant impact on the individual as well as other employees in terms productivity, morale and employee engagement.

This event will equip you with the knowledge and skills to manage long-term absences effectively and support staff on their return to work. It will include practical advice on how to handle more complex situations and reasonable adjustments.
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
19 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Holiday Inn Manchester City Centre
19 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Making reasonable adjustments - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How reasonable adjustments can increase productivity and foster a diverse and inclusive environment

Early intervention and putting the right adjustments in place can increase productivity and mitigate the risks of discrimination complaints. Understanding reasonable adjustments is crucial for fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. 

This event will explore the benefits of reasonable adjustments and the positive impact they can have on an employees wellbeing and productivity. It will provide you with an understanding of the law, a range of scenarios where reasonable adjustments may apply and  practical guidance for managing adjustments.

Digital via Zoom
19 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Digital via Zoom
19 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Management training for new managers - split day digital event

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 19th of September 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 20th of September 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
19 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance, with role play activities, on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with practical and effective techniques to confidently plan and conduct difficult conversations with staff. 

You will also have opportunity to immerse yourself, within a safe role-play environment, to gain hands on experience of how to manage discussion around a range of uncomfortable subjects, including personality clashes, discipline and dismissal.

19 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Deductions from pay

Key legislation and good practice guidance for wages and corresponding pay statements

Employers are responsible for making sure workers are paid correctly in accordance with the law.

Making an unlawful deduction could result in a breach of employment law, national minimum wage legislation and potentially result in an Employment Tribunal claim.

This event will give you a valuable understanding of lawful and unlawful deductions, the common pitfalls and how to respond to pay queries to minimise the risk of pay disputes.

Digital via Zoom
20 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing a disciplinary procedure

A guide to process and the Acas Code of Practice for disciplinary procedures

The law requires employers to act reasonably in their discipline of employees. Incorrectly handled processes can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation, with employment tribunals able to adjust awards by up to 25% for failure to comply with the provisions of the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance.

This event will provide an overview of the Code, with a focus on discipline and the minimum requirements when handling disciplinary procedures. 

We will explain the formal processes as well as  outline options for handling issues informally. We will also explore fairness, decision making and the benefits of clear policies and good communication.

This training will provide anyone involved in people management with the skills and knowledge needed to more effectively manage discipline in the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
23 September 2024
09:30 - 16:30 Nearly Full
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM) (face-to-face)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days.
The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th & 27th September 2024
This event is nearly full

23 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Nearly Full
Behaviours at work - understanding the unacceptable

Identifying and dealing with unacceptable behaviour in the workplace

Behaviours such as bullying, harassment and aggressive attitudes can lead to increased levels of absence, staff turnover and lower staff morale which can reduce productivity.  
Attending this event will help you to identify and address bullying and harassment in the workplace and understand the appropriate course of action to take as well as fostering an inclusive culture.  It will also help you to understand the legal aspects and employer responsibilities.

This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
23 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Redundancy: getting it right

Understanding the legal requirements and good practice for managing redundancies

When handling redundancies, it’s important to get the basics right. This can help reduce the risk of employment tribunals and help you maintain good workplace relations and employee engagement throughout.

Our experts will detail the legal and practical aspects of managing redundancies. They will share good practice, so that you can confidently handle a redundancy situation in your workplace. 

Digital via Zoom
24 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
TUPE: a practical guide to business transfers - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

A practical and in-depth look at the TUPE process

TUPE regulations determine employee rights when a business, or part of a business, is sold or changes hands. 

Understanding the regulations and associated good practice will help you better manage the process, avoid unnecessary (and sometimes costly) pitfalls and minimise potential stress and disruption.

This event will give you a clear explanation of the TUPE regulations, including employer responsibilities and employee rights. It will also provide you with practical tips on the process of conducting a business transfer, drawing upon current legislation and best practice.

NB: This course is not a substitute for those requiring in-depth legal consultation/advice.

Digital via Zoom
24 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Having difficult conversations (face-to-face)

Practical guidance, with role play activities, on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with practical and effective techniques to confidently plan and conduct difficult conversations with staff. 

You will also have opportunity to immerse yourself, within a safe role-play environment, to gain hands on experience of how to manage discussion around a range of uncomfortable subjects, including personality clashes, discipline and dismissal.

24 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Mediation skills for managers (face-to-face)

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

24 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for new managers

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

This full day event will be delivered via Zoom.

Digital via Zoom
24 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Deductions from pay

Key legislation and good practice guidance for wages and corresponding pay statements

Employers are responsible for making sure workers are paid correctly in accordance with the law.

Making an unlawful deduction could result in a breach of employment law, national minimum wage legislation and potentially result in an Employment Tribunal claim.

This event will give you a valuable understanding of lawful and unlawful deductions, the common pitfalls and how to respond to pay queries to minimise the risk of pay disputes.

Digital via Zoom
24 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

Digital via Zoom
24 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

Newcastle upon Tyne
24 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Management training for developing managers - split digital event

This digital event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 24th of September 2024, 13:30 - 16:30
  • Day 2 - 25th of September 2024, 13:30 - 16:30
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
24 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Managing performance and staff appraisals

Performance management can help businesses achieve success by getting the best from their employees. This can be particularly important during difficult economic times. 

This 3-hour digital event will enable you to understand and effectively utilise performance management processes in the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
25 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Mediation skills for managers (face-to-face)

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

25 September 2024
09:30 - 16:30 Full
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM) (face-to-face)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days. The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • Week One: 25th & 26th September 2024
  • Week Two: 2nd, 3rd & 4th October 2024
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

25 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Mediation skills for managers (face-to-face)

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

25 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Managing absence at work

Understanding the law relating to workplace absence and best practice techniques to manage absence in your workplace

In 2022 sickness absence rates in the UK rose to a record high. 
Latest figures from the Office of National Statistics reveal an estimated 185.6 million working days were lost due to sickness or injury, the equivalent to 5.7 days per year, per employee.

Developing a fair and consistent attendance policy can benefit the whole organisation. It helps employees understand what is expected of them and helps managers address underlying issues, leading to a healthier working environment, reduced absence levels and better employee retention.

This event will update you on the law and provide you with techniques to help manage absence in your workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
25 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

Digital via Zoom
26 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Recruitment and retention essentials

The key principles of fair and effective recruitment and retention

Many businesses are currently facing recruitment challenges caused by labour market shortages and high staff turnover. 
This digital event will cover the key principles of recruitment and retention. It will help you understand the relevant legislation and good practice, to be in the best position to attract the right people for your business and keep them. 

Digital via Zoom
26 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Nearly Full
Managing discipline and grievance

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
26 September 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
26 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
Managing discipline and grievance (face-to-face)

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

26 September 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Full
HR for beginners (face-to-face)

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

26 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Full
Equality, diversity and inclusion: the essentials

This 3-hour digital event looks at the essential aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion that all organisations need to be aware of, including the legal position and best practice for promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
30 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
30 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Management training for new managers - split day digital event

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 30th of September 2024, 13:30 - 16:30
  • Day 2 - 1st of October 2024, 13:30 - 16:30

Digital via Zoom
30 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30 Nearly Full
Menopause and the workplace

Understanding the legal responsibilities of employers and exploring ways to support employees and raise awareness of menopause in the workplace

According to NHS Employers, 3.5 million of Britain’s female employees are aged 50 or over and are likely to be approaching or experiencing the menopause. A recent survey conducted by BUPA and the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) found that three in five menopausal women were negatively affected at work.

The menopause is therefore a key workplace issue that all managers need to have a greater understanding of. Not providing employees with the necessary support and reasonable adjustments at work can have serious implications.

Organisations where employees can talk openly about the menopause and feel supported are more likely to attract and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce. They can also benefit from reduced absence levels and improved employee retention. 

This event will cover the symptoms and misconceptions of the menopause, as well as employer responsibilities and the support mechanisms available for employees.
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
30 September 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Handling an employee grievance

Learn how to deal with employee grievances in accordance with the Acas Code of Practice

It is important that all employee grievances are handled correctly. Failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

If an employer does not  comply with the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures, it could lead to an uplift of 25% in an employment tribunal award.

A well handled grievance can provide valuable insight, alerting employers to problems in the workplace and giving them the opportunity to resolve issues without further conflict escalating. 

As well as demonstrating the correct process to follow, this event will focus on emotional intelligence, relationship building, treating people fairly and establishing trust. 

The event will work through a fictional grievance, based on a real life scenario, it will show delegates how to:

  • Distinguish the facts from emotion when receiving a grievance 
  • Deal with issues with empathy, whilst staying on track to work towards resolution
  • Follow the correct steps and procedures
  • Work towards a better outcome
  • Consider the wellbeing of the employee

Digital via Zoom
30 September 2024
14:00 - 16:00
The benefits of supporting mental health and wellbeing at work

The legal, business and human case for supporting mental health and promoting positive wellbeing in the workplace

Employers have a duty of care that incudes a legal and ethical responsibility to support their employees mental health and wellbeing.

Evidence shows that employers who take positive action in relation to addressing and supporting mental heath and wellbeing at work help their employees to remain productive and stay in work.

This training provides essential insights and key techniques that can be taken back and applied in the workplace.

We will provide a clear overview of the legislation relating to mental health as well as give an insight into mental health conditions and the business and human cases for fostering a positive mental health culture at work.

This session will draw from the Acas framework for positive mental health; a holistic model which details the key responsibilities of the employer, the manager and the individual in contributing to a healthy and productive workplace.

Digital via Zoom
1 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Management training for developing managers - split digital event

This digital event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 1st of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 2nd of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30

Digital via Zoom
1 October 2024
13:30 - 16:30
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

Digital via Zoom
1 October 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Behaviours at work - understanding the unacceptable

Identifying and dealing with unacceptable behaviour in the workplace

Behaviours such as bullying, harassment and aggressive attitudes can lead to increased levels of absence, staff turnover and lower staff morale which can reduce productivity.  
Attending this event will help you to identify and address bullying and harassment in the workplace and understand the appropriate course of action to take as well as fostering an inclusive culture.  It will also help you to understand the legal aspects and employer responsibilities.

Digital via Zoom
2 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing a disciplinary procedure

A guide to process and the Acas Code of Practice for disciplinary procedures

The law requires employers to act reasonably in their discipline of employees. Incorrectly handled processes can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation, with employment tribunals able to adjust awards by up to 25% for failure to comply with the provisions of the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance.

This event will provide an overview of the Code, with a focus on discipline and the minimum requirements when handling disciplinary procedures. 

We will explain the formal processes as well as  outline options for handling issues informally. We will also explore fairness, decision making and the benefits of clear policies and good communication.

This training will provide anyone involved in people management with the skills and knowledge needed to more effectively manage discipline in the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
2 October 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Conducting investigations - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Digital via Zoom
3 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Performance management - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

Get the best from your employees with effective performance management practices – working with strengths and managing areas for improvement

Organisations with clear and well-structured performance management practices, alongside trained managers who are confident in monitoring and managing performance are likely to have more productive workplaces.

Businesses achieve the best results from their employees by equipping their line managers with the skills to assertively and effectively manage performance within an agreed framework of planned goals, objectives and standards.

Delegates that attend this event will gain an understanding of the essential techniques and approaches required to manage and support employee performance, whether through building on strengths or managing underperformance.

Digital via Zoom
3 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Equality, diversity and inclusion: the essentials

This 3-hour digital event looks at the essential aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion that all organisations need to be aware of, including the legal position and best practice for promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
3 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
8 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Mediation skills for managers (face-to-face)

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

8 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Nearly Full
Managing the 'unmanageable'

How to effectively identify and address challenging workplace behaviours

This interactive event will provide you with the essential insights, tools and skills needed to confidently identify and address challenging, hostile or confrontational behaviour.  
It will help you understand the impact extreme behaviours can have on your business and detail the most effective strategies you can adopt to manage and help change extreme behaviour. 
Note: This session is designed to help delegates manage extreme behaviour, rather than addressing general workplace performance management. 
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
8 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Conducting investigations - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Digital via Zoom
8 October 2024
09:30 - 16:30 Full
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days.
The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • Week One: 8th & 9th October 2024
  • Week Two: 15th, 16th & 17th October 2024
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
8 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
8 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

Newcastle upon Tyne
8 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
HR for beginners (face-to-face)

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

8 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing long-term sickness absence - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

Best practice for handling long-term staff absences fairly and effectively

Long-term sickness absence can be costly for any business.

It can have a significant impact on the individual as well as other employees in terms productivity, morale and employee engagement.

This event will equip you with the knowledge and skills to manage long-term absences effectively and support staff on their return to work. It will include practical advice on how to handle more complex situations and reasonable adjustments.

Digital via Zoom
8 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

Digital via Zoom
8 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
HR for beginners (face-to-face)

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

9 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for new managers

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

This full day event will be delivered via Zoom.

Digital via Zoom
9 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing discipline and grievance - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
9 October 2024
10:00 - 16:30
Mediation skills for managers (face-to-face)

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

10 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Having difficult conversations (face-to-face)

Practical guidance, with role play activities, on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with practical and effective techniques to confidently plan and conduct difficult conversations with staff. 

You will also have opportunity to immerse yourself, within a safe role-play environment, to gain hands on experience of how to manage discussion around a range of uncomfortable subjects, including personality clashes, discipline and dismissal.

10 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Deductions from pay

Key legislation and good practice guidance for wages and corresponding pay statements

Employers are responsible for making sure workers are paid correctly in accordance with the law.

Making an unlawful deduction could result in a breach of employment law, national minimum wage legislation and potentially result in an Employment Tribunal claim.

This event will give you a valuable understanding of lawful and unlawful deductions, the common pitfalls and how to respond to pay queries to minimise the risk of pay disputes.

Digital via Zoom
10 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Full
Managing absence at work

Understanding the law relating to workplace absence and best practice techniques to manage absence in your workplace

In 2022 sickness absence rates in the UK rose to a record high. 
Latest figures from the Office of National Statistics reveal an estimated 185.6 million working days were lost due to sickness or injury, the equivalent to 5.7 days per year, per employee.

Developing a fair and consistent attendance policy can benefit the whole organisation. It helps employees understand what is expected of them and helps managers address underlying issues, leading to a healthier working environment, reduced absence levels and better employee retention.

This event will update you on the law and provide you with techniques to help manage absence in your workplace.

This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
14 October 2024
09:30 - 16:30 Full
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days.
The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th & 18th October 2024
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
14 October 2024
13:30 - 16:30
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

Digital via Zoom
14 October 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Equality, diversity and inclusion: the essentials

This 3-hour digital event looks at the essential aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion that all organisations need to be aware of, including the legal position and best practice for promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Digital via Zoom
15 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Management training for new managers - split day digital event

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 15th of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 16th of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30

Digital via Zoom
15 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Conducting investigations - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Digital via Zoom
15 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Mental health and stress in the workplace: A masterclass

Recent research from Deloitte has found that poor mental health is costing UK employers £51bn a year, with the presenteeism, burnout and the impact of family members mental health being the largest contributors.

The research states that for every £1 spent on supporting their employee’s mental health, employers obtain on average £4.70 back on their investment in improved productivity.

Join Acas and experts from Mind, International Wellbeing Insights and Kilgannon & Partners as we explore mental health and stress at work and discuss practical steps to effectively manage and support positive mental health and wellbeing in your workplace.

Delivered digitally via zoom
15 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Contracts and written statements

Employment law and good practice advice for contracts and written statements

As an employer it’s crucial to get the details of contracts and written statements correct. Failure to do so can result in disputes and potential employment tribunal claims further down the line.

This event will guide you through the whole process, from the formation of a contract to its termination. You will learn about different types of contracts and how to legally vary a contract. You will also gain an understanding of who should receive written statements and what they need to include. 

Digital via Zoom
15 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Mediation skills for managers (face-to-face)

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

15 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
15 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Mediation skills for managers

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

Digital via Zoom
15 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Mediation skills for managers (face-to-face)

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

15 October 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Deductions from pay

Key legislation and good practice guidance for wages and corresponding pay statements

Employers are responsible for making sure workers are paid correctly in accordance with the law.

Making an unlawful deduction could result in a breach of employment law, national minimum wage legislation and potentially result in an Employment Tribunal claim.

This event will give you a valuable understanding of lawful and unlawful deductions, the common pitfalls and how to respond to pay queries to minimise the risk of pay disputes.

Digital via Zoom
16 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Management training for new managers - split day digital event

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 16th of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 17th of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30

Digital via Zoom
16 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Behaviours at work - understanding the unacceptable

Identifying and dealing with unacceptable behaviour in the workplace

Behaviours such as bullying, harassment and aggressive attitudes can lead to increased levels of absence, staff turnover and lower staff morale which can reduce productivity.  
Attending this event will help you to identify and address bullying and harassment in the workplace and understand the appropriate course of action to take as well as fostering an inclusive culture.  It will also help you to understand the legal aspects and employer responsibilities.

Digital via Zoom
16 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Mediation skills for managers (face-to-face)

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

16 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
HR for beginners

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

Digital via Zoom
16 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00 Nearly Full
Management training for developing managers

This digital event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.


This full day event will be delivered via Zoom.

This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
17 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing a disciplinary procedure

A guide to process and the Acas Code of Practice for disciplinary procedures

The law requires employers to act reasonably in their discipline of employees. Incorrectly handled processes can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation, with employment tribunals able to adjust awards by up to 25% for failure to comply with the provisions of the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance.

This event will provide an overview of the Code, with a focus on discipline and the minimum requirements when handling disciplinary procedures. 

We will explain the formal processes as well as  outline options for handling issues informally. We will also explore fairness, decision making and the benefits of clear policies and good communication.

This training will provide anyone involved in people management with the skills and knowledge needed to more effectively manage discipline in the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
17 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Digital via Zoom
18 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing a disciplinary procedure

A guide to process and the Acas Code of Practice for disciplinary procedures

The law requires employers to act reasonably in their discipline of employees. Incorrectly handled processes can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation, with employment tribunals able to adjust awards by up to 25% for failure to comply with the provisions of the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance.

This event will provide an overview of the Code, with a focus on discipline and the minimum requirements when handling disciplinary procedures. 

We will explain the formal processes as well as  outline options for handling issues informally. We will also explore fairness, decision making and the benefits of clear policies and good communication.

This training will provide anyone involved in people management with the skills and knowledge needed to more effectively manage discipline in the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
21 October 2024
09:30 - 16:30
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM) (face-to-face)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days. 

The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • Week One: 21st & 22nd October 2024
  • Week Two: 28th, 29th & 30th October 2024

21 October 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Conducting investigations - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Digital via Zoom
22 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Mental health in the workplace: skills for managers - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

Practical skills to enable managers to effectively manage mental health in the workplace

According to the Mental Health Foundation, one in six employees experience mental ill health each year. A study by Business in the Community found that only 14% of those that had experienced work-related poor mental health had spoken to their managers.

Whilst the reasons behind mental ill health are not always work related, managers need to know how to address it. They may fear saying the wrong thing or making matters worse but early intervention is key. It provides opportunity for the manager and the individual to discuss the support they might need to stay in work, benefiting the individual, the team and the organisation. 

Delegates attending this event will gain an understanding of the different mental ill health conditions and learn how to effectively engage with staff at an early stage. The event will also cover the Acas framework for positive mental health; a holistic model which describes the key responsibilities of all parties contributing to healthy and productive workplaces.

Digital via Zoom
22 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Management training for new managers - split day digital event

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 22nd of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 23rd of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30

Digital via Zoom
22 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Management training for developing managers - split digital event

This digital event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 22nd of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 23rd of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30

Digital via Zoom
22 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Nearly Full
Managing the 'unmanageable' - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to effectively identify and address challenging workplace behaviours

This interactive event will provide you with the essential insights, tools and skills needed to confidently identify and address challenging, hostile or confrontational behaviour.  
It will help you understand the impact extreme behaviours can have on your business and detail the most effective strategies you can adopt to manage and help change extreme behaviour. 
Note: This session is designed to help delegates manage extreme behaviour, rather than addressing general workplace performance management. 
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
22 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
HR for beginners (face-to-face)

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

22 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
TUPE: a practical guide to business transfers - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

A practical and in-depth look at the TUPE process

TUPE regulations determine employee rights when a business, or part of a business, is sold or changes hands. 

Understanding the regulations and associated good practice will help you better manage the process, avoid unnecessary (and sometimes costly) pitfalls and minimise potential stress and disruption.

This event will give you a clear explanation of the TUPE regulations, including employer responsibilities and employee rights. It will also provide you with practical tips on the process of conducting a business transfer, drawing upon current legislation and best practice.

NB: This course is not a substitute for those requiring in-depth legal consultation/advice.

Digital via Zoom
23 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Digital via Zoom
23 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Managing discipline and grievance (face-to-face)

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

23 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Performance management

Get the best from your employees with effective performance management practices – working with strengths and managing areas for improvement

Organisations with clear and well-structured performance management practices, alongside trained managers who are confident in monitoring and managing performance are likely to have more productive workplaces.
Businesses achieve the best results from their employees by equipping their line managers with the skills to assertively and effectively manage performance within an agreed framework of planned goals, objectives and standards.

Delegates that attend this event will gain an understanding of the essential techniques and approaches required to manage and support employee performance, whether through building on strengths or managing underperformance.

Digital via Zoom
23 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
HR for beginners

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

Digital via Zoom
23 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

Digital via Zoom
23 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
HR for beginners (face-to-face)

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

24 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Management training for new managers - split day digital event

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 24th of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 25th of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30

Digital via Zoom
24 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
How to conduct a fair hearing

Preparing and conducting a fair hearing in line with legislation and the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance procedures

A formal procedure will involve a hearing where an investigation has shown that the employee has a case to answer.

All workplace hearings must be conducted fairly in accordance with employment legislation and best practice. Failure to do so may result in a breakdown in workplace relationships and potentially employment tribunal claims.

This event covers legal and Acas best practice principles that apply to all types of hearings and explores the key differences in preparation and decision making for hearings relating to conduct, performance, or absence.

You will gain valuable understanding of the Acas Code of Practice, how to prepare for and run an effective hearing, how to deal with problems that might arise, dealing with appeals, and an understanding of legal requirements for notice.

We will explain the employees right to be accompanied and will also explore additional considerations when running hearings remotely.

Digital via Zoom
24 October 2024
13:30 - 16:30
Behaviours at work - understanding the unacceptable

Identifying and dealing with unacceptable behaviour in the workplace

Behaviours such as bullying, harassment and aggressive attitudes can lead to increased levels of absence, staff turnover and lower staff morale which can reduce productivity.  
Attending this event will help you to identify and address bullying and harassment in the workplace and understand the appropriate course of action to take as well as fostering an inclusive culture.  It will also help you to understand the legal aspects and employer responsibilities.

Digital via Zoom
28 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing a disciplinary procedure

A guide to process and the Acas Code of Practice for disciplinary procedures

The law requires employers to act reasonably in their discipline of employees. Incorrectly handled processes can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation, with employment tribunals able to adjust awards by up to 25% for failure to comply with the provisions of the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance.

This event will provide an overview of the Code, with a focus on discipline and the minimum requirements when handling disciplinary procedures. 

We will explain the formal processes as well as  outline options for handling issues informally. We will also explore fairness, decision making and the benefits of clear policies and good communication.

This training will provide anyone involved in people management with the skills and knowledge needed to more effectively manage discipline in the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
29 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Management training for new managers - split day digital event

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 29th of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 30th of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30

Digital via Zoom
29 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
29 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
HR for beginners - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

Digital via Zoom
29 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Managing discipline and grievance

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

Digital via Zoom
29 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Conducting investigations - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Should an employer not carry out a reasonable investigation, any decisions they make in the disciplinary or grievance process are likely to be unfair and could result in an employment tribunal claim.

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

Digital via Zoom
30 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Management training for developing managers - split digital event

This digital event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

The event will be delivered via Zoom, in two sessions, over two consecutive days. The duration of each session will be 3 hours.

The dates are:

  • Day 1 - 30th of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30
  • Day 2 - 31st of October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30

Digital via Zoom
30 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Managing discipline and grievance (face-to-face)

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

30 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Equality, diversity and inclusion: the essentials

This 3-hour digital event looks at the essential aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion that all organisations need to be aware of, including the legal position and best practice for promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Digital via Zoom
30 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
HR for beginners (face-to-face)

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

30 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
HR for beginners (face-to-face)

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

31 October 2024
09:30 - 16:00
HR for beginners (face-to-face)

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

31 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Mediation skills for managers - two 3hr sessions over two consecutive days

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

Digital via Zoom
31 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Having difficult conversations

Practical guidance on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm, and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with effective techniques to enable you to confidently handle difficult conversations with employees.

Digital via Zoom
5 November 2024
09:30 - 16:30 Full
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days.
The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • Week One: 5th & 6th November 2024
  • Week Two: 12th, 13th & 14th November 2024
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
5 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

5 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Managing discipline and grievance (face-to-face)

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

6 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Managing discipline and grievance (face-to-face)

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

7 November 2024
09:00 - 13:00
Mock Employment Tribunal (Scotland) (face-to-face)

An interactive event which demonstrates how Scottish employment tribunals operate and how decisions are reached

Attending an employment tribunal can be a daunting prospect and the consequences of getting it wrong can be costly. The estimated cost to employers of defending a claim at employment tribunal is now around £10,000. Losing a claim may cost significantly more.

Join Acas and employment law experts, Shoosmiths, as we lead you through an unfair dismissal related mock employment tribunal.

This interactive, informative and myth-busting event will give you the opportunity, within a safe environment, to see how an employment tribunal in Scotland operates and how decisions are reached.

7 November 2024
09:30 - 12:30
TUPE simplified

Join Acas and Darwin Gray solicitors as we simplify TUPE; one of the most complex areas of employment legislation. 

We will explore both the TUPE process and regulations, helping you understand the legislation and avoid unnecessary pitfalls. 

Delivered digitally via zoom
12 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Managing discipline and grievance (face-to-face)

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

12 November 2024
09:30 - 16:30 Nearly Full
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days.
The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • Week One: 12th & 13th November 2024
  • Week Two: 18th, 19th & 20th November 2024
This event is nearly full

Digital via Zoom
13 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

14 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Managing discipline and grievance (face-to-face)

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

19 November 2024
09:30 - 16:30 Full
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days.
The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • Week One:19th & 20th  November 2024
  • Week Two: 26th, 27th & 28th November 2024
This training event is fully booked, please check our programme for an alternative Acas event which meets your needs, or phone 0300 123 1150 to find out about future events.

Digital via Zoom
20 November 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Dispute resolution: A masterclass

From performance to absence, behaviours and grievances, policy changes and contracts, workplace disputes come in all shapes and sizes. 

This event will cover the options available to employers and explore practical steps organisations can put in place to help prevent workplace disputes from happening in the first place.

Delivered digitally via zoom
20 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

21 November 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Managing absence at work

Understanding the law relating to workplace absence and best practice techniques to manage absence in your workplace

In 2022 sickness absence rates in the UK rose to a record high. 
Latest figures from the Office of National Statistics reveal an estimated 185.6 million working days were lost due to sickness or injury, the equivalent to 5.7 days per year, per employee.

Developing a fair and consistent attendance policy can benefit the whole organisation. It helps employees understand what is expected of them and helps managers address underlying issues, leading to a healthier working environment, reduced absence levels and better employee retention.

This event will update you on the law and provide you with techniques to help manage absence in your workplace.

Digital via Zoom
26 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

26 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

27 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Managing discipline and grievance (face-to-face)

A comprehensive guide to managing both discipline and grievance in line with the Acas Code of Practice

Managing discipline and grievance can be tough for everyone involved. It is important to ensure that the correct steps and procedures are followed at all stages as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

Employers who do not follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures can face an uplift of 25% in any employment tribunal award.

Aside from the legal requirements, employers who manage processes effectively can help build working relationships, and foster healthier and more productive workplaces.

This event will explain the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures in detail and explore a real life case study to help put the knowledge and skills into practice.

It will explain the law and outline the correct steps to follow when managing discipline and grievance, as well explore informal approaches and the associated  positive impact these can have on the workplace.

Newcastle upon Tyne
27 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

27 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

28 November 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

3 December 2024
09:30 - 16:30
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days.
The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • Week One: 3rd & 4th December 2024
  • Week Two:10th, 11th & 12th December 2024

Digital via Zoom
3 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

4 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

4 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

4 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

4 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for developing managers (face-to-face)

This event will focus on the key skills needed to be an effective manager.

Exploring management styles and leadership techniques, we will address the importance of leading and motivating, as well as focusing on change management and having difficult conversations. We will also cover bullying, harassment, and performance issues.

4 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

5 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Having difficult conversations (face-to-face)

Practical guidance, with role play activities, on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with practical and effective techniques to confidently plan and conduct difficult conversations with staff. 

You will also have opportunity to immerse yourself, within a safe role-play environment, to gain hands on experience of how to manage discussion around a range of uncomfortable subjects, including personality clashes, discipline and dismissal.

9 December 2024
09:30 - 16:30
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM) (face-to-face)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days.
The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th & 13th December

10 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

10 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
HR for beginners (face-to-face)

An introduction to the basics of employing people, from recruitment to the end of employment

Getting it right at each stage of the employment journey is vital, not only for a good working relationship with employees, but also to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, that could lead to employment tribunal claims.

This event is essential for those who are new to HR. It covers the basics of employing people, from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship, including relevant legislation and good practice.

Newcastle upon Tyne
10 December 2024
09:30 - 16:30
Certificate in internal workplace mediation (CIWM)

This course provides training and accreditation for you to:

  • Become an internal mediator in your workplace
  • Gain accreditation if you are already a workplace mediator 
  • Develop better conflict management and interpersonal skills for day to day relationship management 

The course consists of 5 units and will take place over 5 days.
The training runs from 09:30 - 16:30 each day and the dates are:

  • Week One: 10th & 11th December 2024
  • Week Two:17th, 18th & 19th December 2024

Digital via Zoom
10 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Mediation skills for managers (face-to-face)

Understanding the mediation process and how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Conflict at work can be stressful, time consuming and disruptive for all concerned. 

When used properly, mediation is an effective method of early dispute resolution, with significant business benefits, including improved employee engagement, staff retention and productivity.

This event will provide you with the skills and understanding to manage conflict better and find lasting solutions for your workplace.

11 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

11 December 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Mock disciplinary hearing

An opportunity to experience an example disciplinary hearing and learn about common pitfalls

Conducting a disciplinary hearing can be a daunting prospect.
The Acas Code of Practice sets out principles for handling disciplinary and grievance situations in the workplace. Employment tribunals are legally required to take the Acas Code of Practice into account when considering relevant cases. So understanding the principles of a discipline hearing is key.

Join us at this interactive event, where you will observe an example disciplinary hearing. You will have the opportunity to share your views on the hearing’s progress and help decide the outcome. We will also help you understand the common mistakes to avoid when conducting a hearing, as well as sharing Acas good practice.

Digital via Zoom
11 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

11 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

11 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.

12 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Management training for new managers (face-to-face)

It can be tough moving into management for the first time. This event will help prepare you for your new role.

You will learn about the role of a line manager, effective communication skills, managing absence and discipline and grievance issues, as well gaining an understanding of relevant employment law.

18 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Having difficult conversations (face-to-face)

Practical guidance, with role play activities, on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with practical and effective techniques to confidently plan and conduct difficult conversations with staff. 

You will also have opportunity to immerse yourself, within a safe role-play environment, to gain hands on experience of how to manage discussion around a range of uncomfortable subjects, including personality clashes, discipline and dismissal.

18 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Having difficult conversations (face-to-face)

Practical guidance, with role play activities, on how to handle difficult conversations with employees

One of the most challenging parts of managing performance is initiating conversations around sensitive topics.  Managers who avoid difficult conversations risk undermining their own position and potentially losing credibility with staff.

Addressing sensitive and emotive issues, such as bullying and poor performance, in a balanced, calm and consistent way is a valued skill. Utilising this skill in the workplace can help promote productivity, employee engagement and lead to an overall better managed workforce.

This event will provide you with practical and effective techniques to confidently plan and conduct difficult conversations with staff. 

You will also have opportunity to immerse yourself, within a safe role-play environment, to gain hands on experience of how to manage discussion around a range of uncomfortable subjects, including personality clashes, discipline and dismissal.

19 December 2024
09:30 - 16:00
Conducting investigations (face-to-face)

How to conduct a fair internal investigation, from gathering the evidence to presenting the findings

Investigations in the workplace are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case and help employers reach a decision. It is important that they are conducted fairly. 

Employers may be held liable if a poor investigation leads to a decision that results in an employment tribunal claim. 

This event will provide you with key techniques, procedures and checklists to help ensure that you are considering all the crucial facts and that you undertake the process in a fair and unbiased manner. You will also gain valuable understanding of what the law requires and learn key investigation skills, such as interviewing and report writing.
